The next edition of PHW’s newsletter has been mailed, and a digital copy is also up now at our website. We were hoping to have different news to share about the blighted property on South Loudoun Street, but the owners had a different idea of what they felt was in their best interest versus the well-being of the Historic District as a whole.

Each Friday in October, 4-6 PM. Renew your membership, purchase a “More Doors of Historic Winchester” poster, and have fun!
We’re also working right now on our Harvest at the Hexagon House setup for October. For those familiar with the interior of the Hexagon House, we have two tables in the PHW Office being stocked with neat items for you to pick as a thank you gift for renewing. We’re splitting the gifts into individual/family/small business levels ($30-55) and the larger membership categories ($100+).
As you may also know, the “More Doors of Historic Winchester” poster will be for sale during the Harvest at the Hexagon House Fridays as well. We’ve had a few out of town requests for posters; at this point we don’t have an estimated shipping cost, but if you know you’ll be by the Hexagon House for the Bough & Dough Shop in November/December, drop us a note and we’ll pull a poster for you for pickup during the Shop.