Friday Photos: Kurtz Cultural Center Exhibits and Trivia Questions

From Kurtz Cultural Center Exhibits

This week’s selection of images were pulled from PHW’s slide collection. The slides feature some of the exhibits held at the Kurtz Building in the 1990s. One of the exhibits, titled “Away, I’m Bound Away” from the Virginia Historical Society features prominently in the images. It is also the subject of an extensive gathering of trivia questions based around the exhibit as part of the promotional materials. Chances are if you were in a local elementary school in the 1990s, you may have come here on a field trip and may even tried your hand at these questions once. Answers to the questions will be posted here Monday. There is no prize, but if you know all the answers without the aid of Google, you truly know your Virginia history!

1. What Virginian became chief of the Crow Indians?
2. What Virginian became president of a foreign republic?
3. What Virginian became famous as “The Missouri Artist”?
4. What Virginian became the first African-American to serve a full term in the United States Senate?
5. What Virginia writer helped promote the Westward Migration?
6. What Virginia slave mailed himself to freedom?
7. What Virginian became the most famous fugitive slave in US history?
8. What Virginian “discovered” the Great Salt Lake?
9. What Virginian became an abolitionist governor of Illinois?
10. What Virginian helped bring order to Central City, Colorado?
11. What Virginian was instrumental in establishing the Pony Express?
12. What Virginian became the founder of Texas?
13. Who was the first African American to serve in the State Senate?
14. What Virginian served as President for a month?
15. What Virginian explored Yellowstone River?
16. What Virginian was saved by a white bean?
17. What Virginian became a confidante to a famous First Lady?
18. What Virginian made the first map of Tennessee?
19. What Virginian helped Kentucky achieve statehood?
20. What Virginia slave’s lawsuit led to a famous Supreme Court case?
21. What Virginian was probably the first African-American elected to public office in the United States?
22. What Virginian established Centralia, Washington?
23. What Virginian taught the first kindergarten in Detroit?
24. What Virginian met with John Brown to encourage a slave uprising in the South?
25. What Virginian won the Northwest during the American Revolution?
26. What Virginian killed himself three years after his famous expedition?
27. What Virginian explored the Louisiana Territory?
28. What Virginian helped carry Methodism to western Virginia?
29. What Virginian was called the “Iron Cutter” by the Sioux Indians?
30. What Virginian revolutionized American agriculture?
31. What Virginian helped found the Wilburforce Community in Canada?
32. What Virginian was known as the “Great Compromiser”?
33. What Virginian was given a flag made by Barbara Fritchie?
34. What Virginian ended the bleeding in “Bleeding Kansas”?