National Avenue Gateway Project Engraved Bricks for Sale

As you may have seen in the Summer PHW Newsletter, PHW is assisting Ms. Judy Humbert and Mr. John Hill with the sales of engraved pavers to be utilized along the sidewalks of the new roundabout, in the area where the two African-American heritage markers will later be installed. One marker will focus on the only Black dentist in the city, Dr. Taylor F. Finley, Sr. He was also a Douglas teacher, founder of the Douglas School’s Alumni Association, and proprietor of the Finley Recreation Center located on North Kent Street. The other marker will focus on the Old Stone Church which was the home of the Old School Baptist and Free Will Baptist that held congregations here. Later the building became the first publicly funded school for this city’s Black children.

The proceeds from the brick sales will be split evenly between the Timbrook House and the Boys & Girls Club. Both organizations benefit the lives of youth in our city.

If you are interested in purchasing an engraved brick, PHW is coordinating the orders and processing the funds. Please type or print the text to be engraved on your paver. Bricks may be engraved with up to 3 lines of 16-20 characters. Please make checks payable to PHW, and on the memo line note “National Avenue Gateway Project.” You may mail in your brick orders to the PHW Office at 530 Amherst Street, Winchester, VA 22601, or drop them off in person during office hours. You may wish to call ahead at (540) 667-3577 before stopping by the office, as we are entering the busy fall event season.

Thank you to those who have already ordered, and in advance for those considering a purchase. Your support is deeply appreciated.