Today is the first Winchester Board of Architectural Review meeting for February, and it seems like a good time to remind everyone there are two vacancies for the board. The Board of Architectural Review promotes preservation, protection and maintenance of buildings, structures, places and areas within the Historic District. Prior to any alteration, reconstruction, demolition, or restoration of buildings or structures within the Historic District, the Board reviews applications and grants Certificates of Appropriateness for such changes. The Board uses the following when considering applications:
The Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation
Winchester Historic District Guidelines
Article 14 of the Winchester Zoning Ordinance
The Board consists of seven voting members who are appointed by City Council. One should be a registered architect or design professional, one should be a licensed real estate agent, one or more should own property or reside in the Historic District, and one or more may be from backgrounds in architectural history, history, planning, real estate, or archaeology. All members should possess knowledge of and demonstrate interest in preservation of the historic character of Winchester. The Board meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rouss City Hall.
Interested in filling a vacancy? Contact Will Moore at the Winchester City Planning and Zoning office for more information, (540) 667-1815.