If the thought of visiting our Hopewell Meeting House in Clear Brook this weekend has whetted your appetite for more Quaker homes and history, the Loudoun Preservation Society will host a tour of a Quaker community in Lincoln, Virginia on Sunday, November 6, 2016 from 1-5 PM. A number of historic homes, cemeteries, and other buildings will be open to the public.
Tickets will be available for purchase at the Goose Creek Meeting House, 18204 Lincoln Road, Purcellville, VA, from 1 to 3 PM the day of the tour, $20 per person or $40 per family. Preorders may also be made via PayPal at the event webpage listing (scroll to the bottom of the page to find the PayPal instructions).
All proceeds from the tour support Loudoun Preservation Society’s Grants Program. Learn more about LPS at their website www.preserveloudoun.org.