Friday Photos: Celebrating the Blues in 1999

Blues House Showcase Happy Friday! It is good to be back and connected to the internet again. It was a quiet and lonely weekend at the PHW office as we completed the transition. To celebrate our new and improved internet and phone service, this week we bring you 77 more images from the Blues House Showcase in 1999. For those of you new to the PHW mailing list, you can catch up on a brief history of the event and PHW’s involvement with it in a previous blog post.

From the flyer for Blues House Showcase ’99, featured performers included Jeffrey “Skunk” Baxter, Bob “Catfish” Hodge, Phil Zuckerman, Mary Ann Redmond, Bud Armel, Danny Beirne, Blues Fuze Band, Perry Glass Quartet, Ricky “J” and Blue Rhythm, along with special guest performers Paul H. Thomson, Gary Reynolds, Don Worthington, John Friant, Chip Schutte, Tom Flegal, Spiritual Guardians, Golder O’Neil and the Shenandoah University Jazz ensemble, Debbie Grim, Pam Buckland, Danny McFarland, Jim Burdock, Dave Ellinger, George Banks, Robert Glasker and Phil Swaby.

Catch the new additions and see if you recognize some familiar faces at the top of the Flickr photostream.